Novel H1N1 Flu in Humans

Saturday, August 8, 2009
A new human infection with H1N1 virus in the United States?
Yes, human infection with H1N1 virus in USA now. Most people who become ill with the virus again by medical
CDC worked with states to collect regularly, compile and analyze data about the same temperature and the new H1N1 virus since the epidemic started. This information is displayed in the weekly report called FluView.

Ist Roman ansteckende H1N1-Virus?
CDC has found that H1N1 virus is the story and spread from person to contact.

How the new virus spreading H1N1?
H1N1 virus is spreading new ideas in the same season, the flu is spread. Most influenza viruses from person to person through sneezing or steam of gripping Sometimes those things up with - such as face or object - with the flu virus and then touching the mouth or nose.

What are the signs and symptoms of the virus in humans?
Symptoms of a new influenza virus H1N1 in humans include, fever, cough or sore throat stuffy nose flowing body pain, headache, fatigue and cold. Significant number of infections are reported diarrhea and vomiting. Severe illnesses and deaths occur as a result of illnesses associated with this virus.

How serious a disease related to novel influenza virus H1N1?
Disease with a new H1N1 virus is in the range from the simple hard While most people are sick again with no medical treatment, hospitalization. And deaths from infection has occurred.

In some people with seasonal flu. "High risk" of serious complications Older people, including children 65 years and children over five years and pregnant women, people of any age with certain chronic diseases. About 70 percent of those who work in hospitals this novel H1N1 virus or disease is one who is faster "risk" for severe seasonal influenza complications Including pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease.

One thing that seems to be different from seasonal flu as adults older than 64 years has not been a high risk of complication novel H1N1 so far. CDC laboratory testing has shown that some children and adults over 60 years know children. Antibody to a novel influenza virus H1N1, but about one third of adults older than 60 have antibodies to this virus is not known what if What can prevent the new influenza H1N1 by all existing antibodies.

How new H1N1 flu versus flu season in terms of severity and rate of infection?
We note that the seasonal flu season is different in terms of duration and severity. Seasonal influenza cans cause mild to severe illness and sometimes death can result. Each year in the United States, on average 36,000 people die from flu and cause more than 200,000 people hospitalized from flu causes. Of hospitalized, 20,000 children have children over 5 years old, about 90% of deaths and about 60 percent of hospitalization. Occur in people older than 65 years.

When novels first H1N1 outbreak in mid-April 2009, CDC began working with the state to collect, compile and analyze information about new outbreaks of H1N1 influenza as well as the number of confirmed cases and be the life of these people. CDC analyzed data support the conclusion that a novel H1N1 influenza disease burden caused to the people aged less than 25 years than older people. At this time, only a few cases, death and some of those older than 64 years in comparison with unusual flu season. However, pregnancy and other formally high-risk medical conditions from seasonal flu appear to be associated with increased risk of complication from this novel H1N1. Conditions are asthma, diabetes, suppresses the immune system, heart, kidney, neurocognitive. And morbidity neuromuscular. And pregnancy.

How long can an infected person spread the virus to others?
People infected with seasonal and novel influenza virus H1N1 can be shedding and infect other patients from 1 day before 5-7 days, which may in some people, especially children and people with weakened immune systems and in people infected with H1N1 virus.
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