These families are victims of Avian Influenza on the map

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Women and three children in New York City, the first fatal victim of bird flu help inform the school in Queen's death and the complaint will not ignore violations.

Mitchell Wiener Wiener power widow and three children of Adam! Jordan Farrell and served with a notice of claim in the city, 5, in the city law does not respond quickly enough to the outbreak of the situation. Influenza in 238 schools in Hollis, Queens, Mr. Wiener worked.

Use in court, charges that the city does not warn Winer said he had been contacting with those who test positive for viruses not fast enough to stop transmission of diseases associated with lack of information about actions. Increases the risk of the virus instead of the security environment for the health of Mr. Winer and other school employees. In other expenses.

The family will receive a $ 40 million exercise called.

"We have received notice of claim and select" Elizabeth Thomas law school instead of Tuesday.

Representatives of financial institutions in the William C. Thompson, Jr. This office is notified of the claim of the city's avian flu or other dispute with the defendants in Rikers Island on June 18. Willie Chesson mental demand distribution of influenza "

"Now we need to verify this request and now I cannot see" Jeff Simmons as press secretary.

Mr. Viner, 55, killed on May 17 three days after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced that he was hospitalized with the flu virus in the first case of death.

"We need to do is announcing that I hope we can avoid," said Bloomberg News reported that the meeting confirmed disease Wiener medium day before the flight. Health system are an effective tool to detect disease outbreaks, and we have been evidencing that we need to do now. "

Although Mr. Bloomberg and Health, R. Dr. Thomas Frieden Viner city with information about health situation in the most debilitating infections they have not received health care in the city, but in bars and disease control blood pressure. High, obesity and atherosclerosis. One cardiovascular death.

Friday, July 7, when the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to stop the renewal of the 47 dead and 909 hospitalizations. New York, confirmed the bird flu epidemic situation, health officials estimated that more than half a million New Yorkers contract bird flu situation.

Disadvantage. Family for the pain and suffering and death in the name of the law, Mr. Wiener for medical expenses and loss Sampantamtri for Mr. Winer and the "loss of moral support and advice. Sampantamtri "with children.

Request $ 20 million Mr. Viner and randomly kill 5 million for each family member.
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  • Maria Martinez

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